GeoGames for Grown-Ups Challenge
This is your chance to play individual and team games that will test your earthly knowledge and teamwork skills. The games will be provided by the Royal Ontario Museum, Mining Matters and the Young Toronto Mineralogists Club, with networking sponsored by the TGDG - i.e. there will be beer and pop! Top contestants will be awarded prizes!
Additional details:
Mineral Deposits Team Challenge: For the past century, the Royal Ontario Museum has been cataloguing the Earth’s geology through our rock, mineral, gem and meteorite collections. We recently acquired 21,000 ore and mineral specimens, 10 tons of material, from exploration geologist Doug Kirwin. Once integrated into our collection, this will be a valuable tool for educators and explorers alike. ROM Activity: We’ve scoured our collection and have brought out some representative samples of important mineral deposits. Work in teams to find out how you fare at our skill-testing matching game! Activity led by Veronica DeCecco and Nick Kohlman.
Samples from the ROM’s mineral collection: Cobalt-silver; Noranda VMS; Minerals with kids

Video link to Collecting with Doug Kirwin where Doug talks about the collection and has some interesting pictures and a good story about the collection.
Mineral Identification Test: Members of the Young Toronto Mineralogists Club led by David Joyce will be present to host a mineral identification event. You will be presented with eight mineral/ore specimens and have the opportunity to identify the minerals in the samples. The top four TGDG mineralogists will each receive a prize. Your individual scores will also contribute to your team’s scores. Bring your loupes and sight identification skills!
Here is a quick test: mix and match the labels with the photos:
Analcime - Chabazite - Silver wire - Wardite

Mine Hoist Team Challenge: Prepare to put your engineering skills to the test with Mining Matters. Design and construct a headframe using 50 straws, string (hoist cable), construction paper (skip), marbles (ore), and masking tape. How heavy a load of marbles can you raise from below the surface to a minimum of 25 centimetres without structural failure or spillage? Led by Laura Clinton and Mining Matters staff.
Bonus Activities: Participate in a product matching challenge to connect minerals to the items we use in everyday life, and examine thin sections with Mining Matters’ new smart device microscopes.