Mini-symposium - Innovation and Change in Mineral Exploration
The TGDG is pleased to welcome Dr. John F. H. Thompson, this year’s SEG Distinguished Lecturer to Toronto. Dr. Thompson, currently based at Cornell University, has industry experience with BP Minerals Group (Rio Tinto) and with Teck, first as Chief Geoscientist and then Vice President Technology and Development. The mini-symposium program will include a keynote presentation by Dr. Thompson (Changing world - changing exploration) and presentations on the state of innovation and adoption rates by additional speakers representing different aspects of the industry including
Lynda Bloom (Analytical Solutions Ltd.) – Does the exploration industry innovate? A look at 30 years of change.
Carl Weatherell (Executive Director & CEO, Canada Mining Innovation Council) – Collaboration: The Key to Fundamentally Transforming the Minerals Sector
Francois Robert (Barrick Gold Corp.) – Innovation and Exploration
Harold Gibson (MERC, Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University) – Metal Earth: An integrated 4D Metallogenic study of our Earth
Oy Leuangthong, (SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. - Resource Modelling: The Next Frontier for Innovation
Jean Legault (Geotech) – ZTEM: Tracing its development from design innovation to discovery tool
Download speaker bios and abstracts here.

The event will be proceeded by networking and refreshments. Please see event details below (or download the mini-symposium flyer).
$50 - TGDG members
$85 - Non-members (includes annual TGDG membership)
Free - Students (registration and student card required)
Please register online to secure your spot. Space is limited, so book early! Registration closes November 17. Please contact us if you have any issues registering online.
The event will also be broadcast online free of charge, courtesy of Geosoft. Register here for the online broadcast.

Barrick Gold and Geotech are sponsoring the symposium. Their financial contribution helps us keeps registration costs low.
We look forward to seeing you at the symposium on November 24th.
Please contact us if you have any questions.